KH. Abdul Halim who is
the founder of this association, is considered quite productive as some of his writings that were published among
the members of the Persyarikatan Ulama (PU). Among his works are:
1. Risalah
Petunjuk bagi Sekalian Manusia (still exist)
2. Ekonomi
dan Koperasi dalam Islam (still exist)
3. Ketetapan
Pengajaran di Sekolah Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Oelama (still exist)
4. Da’watu
5. Tarikh
6. Neraca
7. Risalah
8. Ijtima’iyah
wa Ilajuha.
9. Kitab
Tafsir Tabarak
10. Kitab
262 Hadist Indonesia
11. Babu al Rizqi, and more others.
PU also publishes
magazines including: Soeara Persyarikatan Oelama, Soera Islam, As Syuro,
Pengetahoean Islam.
Image 2: Magazine of Soeara Persyarikatan Oelama (PO)
They also published printed works in Sundanese language
which is Miftahus Saadah.
In addition, around 1930-1941 AD, the
association news related media was also published like Al-Mu’allim, Pemoeda,
Petoendjoek Djalan Kebenaran (Hak). Most
likely, the media was published in the Sundanese language due to the increasing
activities of religion in Cigugur which is not far from Majalengka.
From the writings of the association, it can be seen the
tendencies from their founder, KH. Abdul Halim’s ideas, which is
comes from his interpretation of the concept of al-Salam: live safely in this world & obtain prosperity in the
KH. Abdul Halim saw that the well-being of life in the hereafter
is closely related to the safeness of life in the world. In
order to obtain a prosperous life in the hereafter, human beings must first be
safe in the world by following the religion.
throughout his thoughts, he concluded his thought on the concept
of life. Those concepts are:
A) The concept of al-Salam
A) The concept of al-Salam
KH. Abdul Halim compiled
his theory of improvement measures covering eight areas which called as Islah
al-Tsamaniyah or Eight Improvement. Those eight area of improvements are:
1) Improvement of Beliefs (Islah al-Aqidah)
2) Improvement of Worship (Islah al-Ibadah)
3) Improvement of Educational (Islah al-Tarbiyah)
4) Improvement of the Family (Islah al-A’ilah)
5) Improvements of Customs (Islah al-Adah)
6) Improvement of Community (Islah al-Mujtama’)
7) Improvement of Economic (Islah al-Iqtisad)
8) Improvement of the Ummah Relationship (Islah al-Ummah)
B) The concept of Santri Asromo.
KH. Abdul Halim deems that it is necessary to provide skills to students so that they will later live independently without having to depend on others or hoping to become government employees.
His idea was realized by establishing a school / pesantren named Santi Asromo in April 1942, which was located in Pasirayu Village, Sukahaji District, Majalengka. Santi Asromo, a pioneer of modern boarding schools which at that time had not yet been thought of.
This establishment of pesantren is result of the PU Congress which was motivated by KH. Abdul Halim dissatisfaction of the pesantren education system at that time.
In addition, the establishment of this pesantren was also driven by the fact that there are many local people who find it difficult to get a proper education in schools. Pesantren Santi Asromo is an example of the reformation of the pesantren curriculum, because since its establishment, it has abandoned the traditional education system that not only specializes in providing religious studies, but students are also given general syllabus & provided with skills education such as farming, carpentry, crafts and others. Students are also required to stay in a dorm for 5 to 10 years, which turns out attract a lot of public interest. The wealthy people flowed to give financial support.
Image 3: Students of Santi Asromo in 1952.
Image 4: The students of Santi Asromo learn on farming in 1953.
3. The concept of Santri Lucu.
KH Abdul Halim came out
with this concept which is an education system that able to shape the
personality of students and provide opportunities for them to reach a position
with trained skills related to three important jobs: agriculture, carpentry,
and business. These jobs could increase human efforts and improve their life
style in the world.
The educational goal of
Santi Asromo is to be Santi Lucu, who has skills, knowledge, can work in
various fields of life independently, and is able to help others in need. He strictly
mentioned stated, that the Santi Lucu were students who were skilled that
holding pens and hoes.
4. The concept of Intisab.
This is another important concept of Abdul Halim in political terms
which was created as a counter-doctrine aimed at the Japanese Occupation
government as the Muslims in that time were forced to do seikerai (respecting
Emperor Tenno Heika by bowing towards Tokyo). For this purpose, Abdul Halim and
a number of leaders from PU came out with this concept that based from the
Quran and the Islamic scholar works as a creed to be hold on and also a part of
condition for people who will enter the association. He believed that the creed
could preserve humans from disbelief, hypocrisy, and polytheism. The creed
formulated by Abdul Halim and the leaders of PU are written as follows :
"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
I bear witness that there is no God
but Allah and I bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah is our purpose. Sincerity is
our basis. Improvement is our path. Love is our symbol. We promise to God to be
honest, sincere, firm, and seeking His pleasure by giving charity to the people
with full trust into Allah.
In the name of Allah, the Most
Gracious & the Most Merciful.
In the name of Allah, there is no
might and no power, except in the power of Allah, the Most High, the Most
Allah the Almighty.”
The creed was read for the first time officially in public on the
celebration of the Nuzul Al-Qur'an by PU in 1942. Since that time, the creed
has continued to be read both at official meetings and educational activities
at the PU schools and institution. The creed also continued to be read after
Persyarikatan Ulama renamed its association to the Perikatan Ummat Islam.
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